Pakistan areas are the absolute most extraordinary types of mountain game species on Earth, similar to Blue Sheep, Kashmir, Astor, and Sulaiman Markhor; Punjab, Blandford, and Afghan Urial; Himalayan and Sind Ibex. Predator mined a number of hunting grants are given by the untamed life division of Pakistan which are sold out in open sales. The authority hunting season starts on the twentieth of October and closures on the twentieth of April however might be stretched out on demand. Hunting in Southern Pakistan requires no actual wellness, be that as it may, chases in the northern mountains can challenge. Since our Government gives a couple of hunting grants for every specie, the prizes are dependable of incredible quality.

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Afghan Urial (Pakistan)

Afghan Urial (Pakistan)

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Afghan Urial (Pakistan)

Trophy Hunting of Afghan Urial in Pakistan is a remarkable and sought-after experience, allowing hunters to pursue the magnificent Afghan Urial (Ovis vignei cycloceros) in the rugged terrains of Pakistan. Here’s some information regarding the Afghan Urial and its hunting season in Pakistan:

Afghan Urial and Habitat in Pakistan:

The Afghan Urial is a subspecies of wild sheep that is native to the mountains of Central Asia. In Pakistan, they can be found in various regions, including Balochistan, Sindh, and Punjab. Afghan Urial is known for its impressive spiral horns and adaptability to rocky and mountainous terrains.

Hunting Season for Afghan Urial in Pakistan:

The hunting season for Afghan Urial in Pakistan typically takes place during specific months, which are determined by wildlife conservation authorities and local regulations. It’s essential to consult with reputable outfitters or relevant authorities to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the hunting season for Afghan Urial in Pakistan.

Trophy Hunting and Conservation:

Trophy hunting of Afghan Urial in Pakistan is conducted under strict regulations to ensure the conservation and sustainability of the species. The hunting quotas are carefully managed to maintain a healthy population and support wildlife conservation efforts. Hunting fees and permits contribute to conservation initiatives, community development, and the protection of natural habitats.

Planning Your Afghan Urial Hunting Expedition:

To plan your Afghan Urial hunting expedition in Pakistan, it is recommended to partner with experienced outfitters who specialize in ethical hunting practices and are knowledgeable about the local regulations. They can provide expert guides, and necessary permits, and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

During the hunting expedition, you will venture into the designated hunting areas, guided by experienced professionals who are familiar with the Afghan Urial’s behavior and habitat. Strategic stalking, tracking techniques, and proper fieldcraft will be employed to get within range of the Afghan Urial. Once a suitable trophy animal is identified, the hunt will be conducted with precision and respect for the animal.


Trophy hunting of Afghan Urial in Pakistan offers a thrilling and memorable adventure for hunting enthusiasts. By participating in responsible and regulated hunting activities, you contribute to the conservation of the species and support local communities. Collaborate with reputable outfitters, adhere to hunting regulations, and experience the thrill of pursuing the majestic Afghan Urial amidst the stunning landscapes of Pakistan.

  • Included
    Airport Transfer
    Field Trophy Preparation
    Gallery Ticket
    Hunting License
    Personal Guide
    Transportation While Hunting

Tour Plan


Day 1:

Arrival in Pakistan and transfer to the designated accommodation in the vicinity of the Afghan Urial habitat.

Day 2:

Start the day with an early morning safari to observe the Afghan Urial in their natural habitat. Explore the rugged terrain and keep an eye out for these majestic creatures. Afternoon visit to a local village to experience the traditional culture and lifestyle of the region.

Day 3:

Embark on another thrilling safari, this time focusing on capturing the beauty of the Afghan Urial through photography. Learn about their behavior and conservation efforts. Evening campfire with local music and cultural performances.

Visit a nearby wildlife sanctuary or protected area to further appreciate the diverse wildlife of the region. Engage in birdwatching and learn about the ecosystem. Optional hiking or nature walk to explore the surroundings.

Day 5:

Departure day. Bid farewell to the Afghan Urial habitat and transfer back to the airport for your onward journey, taking with you unforgettable memories of this unique wildlife experience in Pakistan.

Tour Location

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