Pakistan areas are the absolute most extraordinary types of mountain game species on Earth, similar to Blue Sheep, Kashmir, Astor, and Sulaiman Markhor; Punjab, Blandford, and Afghan Urial; Himalayan and Sind Ibex. Predator mined a number of hunting grants are given by the untamed life division of Pakistan which are sold out in open sales. The authority hunting season starts on the twentieth of October and closures on the twentieth of April however might be stretched out on demand. Hunting in Southern Pakistan requires no actual wellness, be that as it may, chases in the northern mountains can challenge. Since our Government gives a couple of hunting grants for every specie, the prizes are dependable of incredible quality.

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Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake

 Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake Jeep Safari: Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake Jeep Safari


A Thrilling Expedition with Markhor Safari, Starting from Islamabad

Embark on an exhilarating jeep safari expedition to the remote and breathtaking destinations of Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake with Markhor Safari. Traverse through rugged terrains, cross high mountain passes, and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of Gilgit-Baltistan. This meticulously planned itinerary promises an unforgettable adventure, combining off-road excitement, cultural encounters, and awe-inspiring landscapes.

Day 1: Arrival in Islamabad and Transfer to Chitral

Upon your arrival at Islamabad Airport, the Markhor Safari team will warmly welcome you. Enjoy a comfortable transfer to Chitral, a gateway to the captivating wilderness of the region. Drive through scenic routes, passing by picturesque valleys, charming villages, and gushing rivers. Reach Chitral and settle into your accommodation, surrounded by the majestic mountains.

Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake Jeep Safari

Day 2: Exploring Chitral Town and Local Culture

Start your day by exploring Chitral Town, known for its rich cultural heritage. Visit the historic Chitral Fort, a testament to the region’s fascinating history. Explore the bustling bazaars, where you can find traditional handicrafts, textiles, and local delicacies. Engage with the friendly locals, gaining insights into their unique way of life and traditions. Immerse yourself in the warm hospitality and vibrant culture of Chitral.

Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake Jeep Safari

Day 3: Jeep Safari to Brughil Pass

Embark on a thrilling jeep safari adventure to Brughil Pass, an exhilarating high mountain pass located at an elevation of 4,200 meters. Drive through rugged mountain trails, surrounded by breathtaking vistas of snow-capped peaks, alpine meadows, and crystal-clear streams. As you ascend to Brughil Pass, soak in the panoramic views of the Karakoram and Hindu Kush ranges. Capture stunning photographs and experience the thrill of conquering this challenging terrain.

Day 4: Cultural Encounters in the Brughil Valley

Immerse yourself in the local culture and traditions of the Brughil Valley. Interact with the Wakhi community, known for their warm hospitality. Visit local villages and witness their way of life, ancient rituals, and traditional crafts. Engage in cultural exchanges, participating in music and dance performances. Learn about their unique customs, cuisine, and folklore. Immerse yourself in the authenticity of the local culture.

Day 5: Jeep Safari to Karumbar Lake

Embark on an adventurous jeep safari to Karumbar Lake, one of the highest lakes in the world, nestled at an elevation of 3,000 meters. Drive through rugged terrains, crossing scenic mountain passes and narrow gorges. As you approach Karumbar Lake, be mesmerized by its emerald green waters, surrounded by towering cliffs and snow-capped peaks. Spend time at the lake, enjoying a peaceful picnic or taking a refreshing dip in its pristine waters.

Day 6: Trek to the Upper Karumbar Glacier

Embark on a thrilling trek to the Upper Karumbar Glacier, a spectacular icy wonderland. Hike through picturesque valleys, crossing pristine streams and traversing rocky moraines. Witness the raw beauty of the glacier, with its massive ice formations and breathtaking panoramas. Capture photographs of this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon and immerse yourself in the serenity of the surroundings. Return to Karumbar Lake for a well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Day 7: Return to Islamabad and Departure

Bid farewell to the rugged beauty of Brughil Pass and Karumbar Lake as you journey back to Islamabad. Reflect on the incredible experiences and the profound connection with nature and culture that you have gained during your safari

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