Pakistan areas are the absolute most extraordinary types of mountain game species on Earth, similar to Blue Sheep, Kashmir, Astor, and Sulaiman Markhor; Punjab, Blandford, and Afghan Urial; Himalayan and Sind Ibex. Predator mined a number of hunting grants are given by the untamed life division of Pakistan which are sold out in open sales. The authority hunting season starts on the twentieth of October and closures on the twentieth of April however might be stretched out on demand. Hunting in Southern Pakistan requires no actual wellness, be that as it may, chases in the northern mountains can challenge. Since our Government gives a couple of hunting grants for every specie, the prizes are dependable of incredible quality.

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IBEX Tajikistan

IBEX Tajikistan

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IBEX hunting in Tajikistan is an exhilarating experience that attracts hunters from around the globe. Tajikistan is renowned for its abundant population of Siberian Ibex (Capra sibirica), making it an ideal destination for those seeking a challenging and rewarding hunting expedition.

Siberian Ibex and Habitat in Tajikistan:

The Siberian Ibex is a majestic species of wild goat known for its impressive curved horns and agile nature. Found in the mountainous regions of Central Asia, including Tajikistan, these animals inhabit steep and rugged terrains, often at high altitudes.

Tajikistan’s diverse and pristine landscapes provide a perfect habitat for Siberian Ibex. The country’s towering mountain ranges, such as the Pamir and Tian Shan mountains, offer vast hunting grounds where these agile creatures thrive. The breathtaking scenery and remote wilderness make Tajikistan a coveted destination for IBEX hunting enthusiasts.

Hunting Experience in Tajikistan:

IBEX hunting in Tajikistan offers a unique and challenging experience for hunters. The pursuit of this elusive species requires physical endurance, sharp shooting skills, and the guidance of experienced local guides.

When planning an IBEX hunting expedition in Tajikistan, it is recommended to engage the services of reputable outfitters with expertise in the region. These outfitters can assist in obtaining the necessary permits, arrange logistics, provide experienced guides, and ensure compliance with local regulations.

Tajikistan’s IBEX hunting season typically runs from late summer to early winter when the animals are in their prime. Hunters can expect physically demanding treks, high-altitude climbs, and strategic stalking to get within range of the IBEX. The thrill of spotting a majestic Ibex and executing a successful hunt is a truly unforgettable experience.

Conservation and Sustainability:

Tajikistan has made significant efforts to ensure the sustainability of IBEX hunting and conservation. Strict quotas and regulations are in place to maintain healthy population levels and preserve the species’ natural habitat.

The revenue generated from IBEX hunting permits and fees is reinvested into wildlife conservation initiatives, anti-poaching efforts, and community development projects. By participating in ethical and regulated hunting activities in Tajikistan, hunters actively contribute to the preservation of the Siberian Ibex population and support local communities.


IBEX hunting in Tajikistan offers an extraordinary adventure for avid hunters. With its stunning landscapes, abundant wildlife, and commitment to sustainable hunting practices, Tajikistan provides an exceptional opportunity to pursue the majestic Siberian Ibex. Engage with reputable outfitters who prioritize conservation and local community involvement, and embark on a thrilling journey to experience the challenge and beauty of IBEX hunting in Tajikistan’s rugged and untamed wilderness.

  • Destination
  • Included
    Airport Transfer
    Field Trophy Preparation
    Gallery Ticket
    Hunting License
    Personal Guide
    Transportation While Hunting

Tour Plan


Day 1: Arrival in Dushanbe

Trophy hunting of ibex in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan with Markhor Safari, starting from Dushanbe Airport: Arrive at Dushanbe International Airport. Meet and greet by a representative from Markhor Safari. Transfer to a comfortable hotel in Dushanbe. Rest and acclimatize to the local time zone. Briefing about the upcoming hunting expedition. Overnight stay in Dushanbe.

Day 2: Dushanbe to Khorog

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel. Depart for Khorog, the gateway to the Pamir Mountains. Drive through picturesque landscapes and along the Panj River. Stop for lunch en route. Arrive in Khorog and check into a hotel. Visit the local bazaar and explore the town. Dinner and overnight stay in Khorog.

Day 3: Khorog to Base Camp

After breakfast, start the drive towards the base camp in the Pamir Mountains. Journey through breathtaking mountain scenery and remote villages. Stop for a picnic lunch amidst the scenic surroundings. Arrive at the base camp and settle into comfortable accommodations. Rest and prepare for the hunting expedition. Dinner and overnight stay at the base camp.

Day 4-8: Trophy Hunting Expedition

Spend the next five days on a thrilling trophy hunting expedition for ibex. Hunt in the high-altitude regions of the Pamir Mountains. Accompanied by experienced local guides and trackers. Trek through challenging terrain and spot ibex in their natural habitat. Enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the magnificent landscapes. Once a trophy ibex is successfully hunted, it will be prepared for transportation. Each day, return to the base camp for meals and rest. Overnight stays at the base camp.

Day 9: Return to Khorog

After breakfast, bid farewell to the base camp and start the return journey. Arrive in Khorog and check into a hotel. Rest and relax after the hunting expedition. Enjoy a traditional Tajik dinner in Khorog. Overnight stay in Khorog.

Day 10: Khorog to Dushanbe

Have breakfast at the hotel. Depart for Dushanbe, retracing your route along the Panj River. Stop for lunch en route. Arrive in Dushanbe and check into a hotel. Free time to explore the city, visit local markets, or relax. Farewell dinner at a traditional Tajik restaurant. Overnight stay in Dushanbe.

Day 11: Departure

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to Dushanbe International Airport. Depart with unforgettable memories of the trophy hunting expedition in Tajikistan. Please note that this is a sample itinerary and can be customized based on your specific requirements, hunting permits, and the availability of accommodations. It's essential to comply with all local hunting regulations and guidelines during your trip.

Tour Location

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