Pakistan areas are the absolute most extraordinary types of mountain game species on Earth, similar to Blue Sheep, Kashmir, Astor, and Sulaiman Markhor; Punjab, Blandford, and Afghan Urial; Himalayan and Sind Ibex. Predator mined a number of hunting grants are given by the untamed life division of Pakistan which are sold out in open sales. The authority hunting season starts on the twentieth of October and closures on the twentieth of April however might be stretched out on demand. Hunting in Southern Pakistan requires no actual wellness, be that as it may, chases in the northern mountains can challenge. Since our Government gives a couple of hunting grants for every specie, the prizes are dependable of incredible quality.

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Spring Tour in Hunza

Spring Tour in Hunza

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Welcome to Markhor Safari, your premier tour operator specializing in exceptional travel experiences. Get ready to embrace the beauty of Spring with our Spring Tour in Hunza, Pakistan.

Spring in Hunza is a time of awakening, as nature comes to life with vibrant colors and blossoming flowers. Here are the highlights of our Spring Tour in Hunza:

  1. Blossoming Landscapes: Witness the breathtaking transformation of Hunza’s landscapes as cherry blossoms, apricot trees, and wildflowers adorn the valleys. Capture stunning photographs amidst the sea of colors, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
  2. Hunza Valley Exploration: Embark on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting Hunza Valley. Marvel at the majestic mountains, gushing waterfalls, and terraced fields, all enhanced by the beauty of springtime. Immerse yourself in the serenity and tranquility of this picturesque region.
  3. Cultural Immersion: Engage with the warm and hospitable locals, learn about their traditions, and experience the vibrant culture of Hunza. Sample the delectable local cuisine, visit traditional villages, and participate in traditional festivities if your tour coincides with any local celebrations.
  4. Iconic Landmarks: Explore iconic landmarks such as Baltit Fort and Altit Fort, which provide insights into the rich history and architectural heritage of the region. Enjoy breathtaking views from viewpoints like Eagle’s Nest and soak in the serenity of Attabad Lake.
  5. Adventure and Outdoor Activities: Spring offers ideal weather for outdoor adventures in Hunza. Go hiking in the scenic mountains, embark on nature walks through blooming orchards, or indulge in thrilling activities such as paragliding or rock climbing, tailored to your preferences and fitness levels.

At Markhor Safari, we ensure a seamless and unforgettable Spring Tour in Hunza. Our experienced guides, comfortable accommodations, and carefully curated itineraries guarantee an exceptional experience. Join us to witness the magical beauty of Hunza in springtime and create cherished memories.

Contact us now to book your Spring Tour in Hunza with Markhor Safari. Let us be your trusted travel partner in exploring the wonders of Hunza during this captivating season.

  • Included
    Airport Transfer
    Personal Guide
  • Not Included
    Field Trophy Preparation
    Gallery Ticket
    Hunting License
    Transportation While Hunting

Tour Plan


Day 1: Departure from Islamabad to Hunza

Start your journey from Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, in the morning. Embark on a scenic drive along the Karakoram Highway, renowned for its breathtaking views of mountains, valleys, and rivers. Make stops at key attractions along the way, such as the Nanga Parbat viewpoint and Rakaposhi viewpoint, to capture the mesmerizing beauty of the surroundings.

Day 2: Arrival in Hunza and Local Exploration

Arrive in Hunza, a picturesque valley in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture. Check into your accommodation and take some time to relax and freshen up. Take a leisurely stroll around the charming town of Hunza, visit local markets, and interact with friendly locals. Immerse yourself in the unique cultural heritage of the region by exploring the traditional architecture and experiencing the warm hospitality.

Day 3: Baltit Fort and Historical Exploration

Visit the Baltit Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an iconic landmark in Hunza. Explore the fort's well-preserved architecture, intricate woodwork, and historical artifacts. Learn about the rich history and heritage of the Hunza Valley from knowledgeable guides. Enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, including the Hunza River and the snow-capped peaks of the Karakoram Range.

Day 4: Excursion to Attabad Lake

Take a day trip to Attabad Lake, a mesmerizing turquoise blue lake formed by a natural landslide. Enjoy a scenic drive along the Karakoram Highway and witness the beauty of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Experience a boat ride or kayak adventure on the tranquil waters of Attabad Lake, surrounded by towering cliffs and lush greenery. Take in the serene atmosphere and capture stunning photographs of the picturesque landscape.

Day 5: Fairy Meadows and Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Embark on a thrilling journey to Fairy Meadows, a captivating meadow located at the base of Nanga Parbat, the ninth highest mountain in the world. Enjoy a jeep ride through the scenic valleys and experience the thrill of off-road adventure. Trek to the Nanga Parbat base camp, marveling at the majestic peaks and breathtaking views of the surrounding glaciers and meadows. Spend the day immersing yourself in the pristine beauty of nature and capturing unforgettable moments.

Day 6: Altit Fort and Cultural Show

Visit the Altit Fort, a historic gem that dates back to the 11th century. Explore the fort's impressive architecture, ancient artifacts, and panoramic views of the Hunza Valley. Attend a traditional cultural show showcasing the region's folklore, music, and dance. Engage in interactive activities, learn traditional dance moves, and experience the rich cultural traditions of the local community.

Day 7: Khunjerab National Park and Wildlife Encounter

Discover the enchanting beauty of Khunjerab National Park, located at the Pakistan-China border. Explore the park's diverse ecosystems, including alpine meadows, snow-capped peaks, and high-altitude lakes. Spot rare wildlife species such as the Marco Polo sheep, Himalayan ibex, and snow leopards. Enjoy the panoramic views of the Karakoram Range and the Khunjerab Pass, one of the highest border crossings in the world.

Day 8: Culinary Delights and Local Cuisine

Indulge in the flavors of Hunza by experiencing the local cuisine. Taste traditional dishes made from fresh, seasonal ingredients, including apricots, walnuts, and locally grown vegetables. Enjoy specialties such as Hunza bread, Chapshuro, and Mamtu, and savor the unique flavors and aromas of the region.

Day 9: Return to Islamabad

Bid farewell to the captivating beauty of Hunza as you depart for Islamabad. Take one last glance at the majestic mountains and serene valleys. Cherish the memories of your springtime adventure in Hunza with Markhor Safari, and carry the essence of this enchanting region with you as you return home.
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